Jessie F. Hallett Memorial Library Policies and Guidelines

Collection Development Policy
Click here to read the complete policy

Meeting Room Policy 
2 meeting rooms available for usage:
The Large Meeting Room has tables and chairs that can comfortably seat 50 people. There are kitchen privileges. This room is used for Story Hour, the Summer Reading Program, Garden Club, Women’s Club, Cub Scout and Girl Scouts, Bee Nay She (Bird Group), Classroom Visits, Home School

Meetings and special Library Programming
The Jeanette N. Smith Conference Room has a large table with 12-15 chairs. This is used for Library Board meetings, Hallett Charitable Trust visits, Lion’s Club meetings and other civic group meetings.

The following equipment is available: overhead projector, pull-down viewing screen, carousel projector, DLP projector, TV/VCR/DVD, marker board, kitchenette (if using a coffee pot please provide your own supplies) and a piano.

There is a room rental fee of $10.00 per hour for the Large Meeting Room and the Conference Room. This fee is for all groups whether you are government, non-profit or a school group. The only exceptions to this fee are Library sponsored programs/events (Story Hour, Library Board, Summer Reading Program, Author Talks, Friends, etc.), or civic groups/individuals who give an annual donation of $100.00 or more to the Library.
The fee may be waived if the entity provides a free service to patrons/community i.e. Tax Help, ABE (Adult Basic Ed), etc. Please check with the front desk for availability.

Please make checks payable to the Hallett Library.  Please pay on day of use. Library programming always takes precedent. All room rentals must be pre-approved by Head Librarian or staff member and placed on our calendar.

DVD Rental Policy – Effective January 18, 2011

To help us in acquiring and maintaining an excellent DVD collection for our patron’s entertainment needs, the JFHML will be charging a rate of .50 per movie or 3/$1.00 beginning January 18, 2011.

The funds collected will be used to purchase new titles and to repair damaged items.

All other policies will remain in effect:   
1.)3 movies per household
2.)3 day rental time/no renewals
3.)$1.00 late fee/per day/per movie

Computer Lab Guidelines 

If you are not a resident of our school district, or do not have a library card, you must present picture I.D., and we will make a copy before signing for a computer.

  • Sign in ~ Please print clearly first & last name, indicate computer # and time, check box if you will be using internet. If you need to change computers, please ask staff and change computer # on sign in sheet.
  • ONE HOUR limit, per day
  • Please DO NOT change computer settings.
  • Internet users must be 12 or older, unless with an adult.
  • CD-RWs are available for $1 each, inquire at Front Desk.
  • The Library reserves the right to deny computer privileges to any patron. Please use good judgment while Surfing the Web!
  • Print outs are 20¢ each.Printer in staff room, please ask staff for print outs.Please pay at the Front Desk.

Check Out Guidelines

The JFHML is an independent library-all materials checked out here, returned here.

  • Books: Check out 2 weeks
    *Adult limit: 20
    *Children – K-6thgrade: 5

*Children – 7th-12th grade: 10

Fines: Donation accepted

  • DVDs: Check out 3 days, *3 per family, Fines: $1 per day, per movie
  • CD Books: Check out 2 wks
  • Music CD’s: Check out 1 week, limit 7
  • Magazines: Check out 1 week

Proctor Test Policy
The Jessie F. Hallett Memorial Library offers test-proctoring services for patrons of the Library. Staff will administer/proctor exams for colleges both on-line and in written format. These exam times must be scheduled with the Library staff ahead of time. (One week prior to testing is a good rule of thumb.) It is the student’s responsibility to make sure all testing materials are available for proctoring on the scheduled date.The fees are:

Accuplacer Testing: $10.00 per session.

Semester Testing: $20.00 per semester (this includes one to five exams) any additional tests are pro-rated at $5.00 each.

The student must provide the Jessie F. Hallett Library with the following information:

  • Proof of Identity (Photo I.D. Drivers License, etc.)
  • Student name, address, phone & e-mail
  • Professor name, address, phone & e-mail
  • School name & contact information
  • Course description & requirements

The fee includes:

  • Proctoring/monitoring of testing by certified staff member
  • Computer time/set-up/reservations
  • Study room reservations
  • Fax fees
  • Printing fees
  • The Fee does NOT include mailing envelopes or postage.

The Library opens at 10:00 each morning. Testing may be done prior to opening Library hours (8:30 or 9:00 a.m.) Testing MAY NOT be done after the Library is closed for the day, so please schedule your testing accordingly.


Everyone benefits from the donation of recycled reading materials. The JFHML Friends Foundation (a 501 c-3 non-profit fundraising arm of the Jessie F. Hallett Memorial Library) is always happy to receive book donations. If a book is suitable for library shelf use (sturdy binding, not musty, not a duplicate, etc.), the material will be processed. If the book is not one that the Library can use, we explain that if there are no objections, the book will be placed for resale in our used bookstore “Backstreet Books.” With this understood, if any patron would like his or her books returned we are happy to comply. We can also provide tax receipts upon request.  (The donor would need to bring in a list of books donated, as we cannot assign a value to books.)  Please keep in mind that we are unable to accept books which are damaged, torn, wet, mildewed or missing front covers. Please contact the Library at 546-8005 before dropping off books. Thank you!

Rules of Behavior Policy

1.To provide a safe and respectful environment for both patrons and staff.

2.To provide consistent disciplinary action for all people.

The Jessie F. Hallett Memorial Library encourages people to visit the library. Those using the library and its resources have the right to expect a safe, comfortable environment that supports the appropriate use of library services.

Library staff may suspend or terminate facility privileges for anyone who is disrespectful, uncooperative, or who displays any other behavior/action that undermines the positive experience of patrons or the authority of library staff. Minor infractions include, but are not limited to:

♣noisy or boisterous actions, including running
♣conversation that is disturbing to other individuals or employees, including but not limited to profanity or other abusive language
♣actions made to deliberately annoy others or which prevent the legitimate use of the library and its resources, including following or staring at other individuals,         initiating unwanted conversations, impeding exit or entrance of the building
♣attempting to access non-public areas
♣using skateboards, roller-blades, roller-skates, or any other sports equipment anywhere on library property
♣distributing literature, taking surveys, or asking individuals to sign petitions                                                                                                                         ♣inappropriately loud use of mobile devices such as phones and personal listening devices

Major infractions include, but are not limited to:

♣possessing a gun, knife, firearms or any other weapon
♣fighting and other acts of aggression
♣possessing or consuming alcohol, illegal drugs, or other lethal substances
♣vandalism of personal or town property (includes graffiti)
♣sexual, verbal or physical harassment or threat to patrons or staff
♣leaving any child under the age of six unattended
♣violation of any federal, state, or local ordinance

Social Media Policy

Click here to read the complete policy